The Next Generation of EMS Caregivers

I started my journey in EMS not really caring about EMS. But with the constant and ever present influence of Chris Venters and Nick Larmer as my EMT-B instructors I quickly stopped caring about fire and became more dedicated to EMS. If it wasn't for both of my instructors staying late with me helping me understand and remember all those things that I was having trouble with, I would have never finished EMT class. But now I work full time for a service where I live. I absolutely love going to work. I constantly think back to class and what both of my instructors have said . All of that, leads me to want to continue my education. So I decided to go for it. Below is a picture of myself and a friend on out first day of paramedic class. It would never have been possible without Chris or Nick. Thank you for opening my eyes to this great and unruly beast ,known as EMS!!!!!

Guys there are more stories like these out there. Lets always keep in mind , what we teach our students in EMT class can and will be the change for tomorrow's generation of paramedics. These students hold onto every word that we teach them. When it counts for them to recall that information, they are forever grateful to what they learned in EMT class. As the famous philospher Russel Crowe said," Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity." 


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