Till Death Do Us Part!

Two weeks out from the day that I have been preparing myself for the last 24 years. It still has kinda a feeling to it that its not reality. Marriage can be a scary/ exciting word. Sometimes I cant believe its true. I glanced back over the photos that brought me to where I am today. Most people would say that my love for my future wife started a little over 2 years ago when I saw her walk through the door into my classroom . However it started way before that.

My mentor Joe Hickert was an amazing influence on my life. I wouldnt be where I am today if it wasnt for him. I first met Joe , when I was 18 yrs old sitting in an office at Thomas County EMS in Colby, Kansas. I was there because I was about to take an EMT class from that EMS agenecy. They were conducting interviews for the program. I will remember it as clear as day . Joe asked me why I wanted to be in EMS. I told him I wanted to help people. I also told him that someday I wanted to become a Firefighter Paramedic.  He scoffed and said why would you want to be a fireman. All fireman are is testoterone filled hose draggers. I didnt quite agree with him at the time. I thought he was a little grumpy , but I didnt let it bother me too much.

I left that office that day hoping that what lay ahead was going to be the best adventure of my life. I was right, but I had no idea what truly lay ahead. I started the EMT class in February of 2012 and Joe would occasionaly come to class to see how it was going. He and I found out that we acutaly had some things in common. We both loved to ride bicycles. Joe had rode BAK several times, which made him a "god" to me. I thought he was the most amazing man aside from my father. I then started visiting him at the station . He would always ask me questions to challenge me. I wouldnt know the answer. He would tell me go look it up and get back with him. He had the memory of an Elephant because he wouldnt forget either. He would ask me again. Finally he would teach me about whatever topic he was asking me about. I learned so much about EMS from him. Thus began a friendship that I never expected.

Joe and I ran EMS calls and rode our bikes. We were almost inseperable . There for almost 1year and half I would spend every spare second I had, taking transfers, running EMS calls, and just spending quality time talking with him. He was my best friend , now that I look back. He also was my mentor. I truly believe Mentors are not picked but they pick you. I dont truly know how it happens. Joe picked me and it changed my life. I remember late night transfers coming back from Hays or Denver and we would be rocking out to 80's Classic Rock. We would talk about anything that was bothering us. We also would teach each other things that we were learning about EMS. At times, I would like to think I taught Joe some things.

Joe and I ran some pretty hairy calls and they changed us forever. One of the things Joe did for me that changed me forever was giving me the book People Care by Thom Dick. This book has forever changed my life . I truly believe the words in the book are similar to Joes thoughts. It keeps me comforted on the days when I truly miss him. But we walked through fire together. He was always there for me and I was for him. When I left for college for fire science school in the fall of 2013 I was so consumed with school I forgot to catch up. It wasnt until I heard from a friend of mine that Joe was in the hospital that I knew something was wrong. Joe had a relapse of cancer. He had already beat cancer once before. So I assumed he could do it again. Joe then began treatments and began fighting it off again. He was doing all of this while being director at Thomas County.

One of my last calls I ever ran with Joe was Black friday in 2013 where we had a lady who coded . She presented with Torsades de points. Im pretty sure she coded 36 times. That was also the time that I got to fly with the eagle med crew from Goodland to Hays . When I got back , Joe was waiting and he took me for one of our ritual things we did in the early mornings, go to Village Inn.

It wasnt much longer after that I got a job at Great Bend Fire Department . Come to find out Joe had been the preceptor for my current Chief at the time at Ellis County EMS. Right then and there, Joe was still making an impact on my life. I tried to make it back to see him and call him , but life happens and you lose touch.  There were still times , I would see joe and he was getting worse. There were other times he started to look like he was going to kick cancers behind.

I rememebr heading back to colby when Joe retired as director and decided to start enjoying retirement. Joe had completed changed and was really starting to change his attitude towards life. He was so joyfull. Joe was happy most of the time, but he did have a cranky side. In alot of our intimate times that we talked he would be very real with me and wouldnt sugar coat his personality. He was joe and he didnt try to be anyone else.

Fast foward to 2016 in the spring when I went to the KEMTA conference to see randolph mantooth in person. I found during the conference that Joe Hickert was recieving an award that night. He was recivieng the Norman McSwain Award. I thought this was fitting because Joe not only deserved it but he also always talked about Norman McSwain being the father of EMS. One of the last pictures I took with Joe was at that conference after he received the award.

We headed back to his hotel room and visited for a while and talked about my future . I was just about to finish Paramedic School and he was so proud of me. He gave me a piece of advice to succeed. He told me to find a nice, pretty girl that loved God and loved EMS. I told him Joe, I dont think thats a good idea, you know how many people get divorced in this profession. He told me to trust him.

The last time I ever talked to Joe was I called him about this really cute girl in my AEMT class that was so beautiful. He told me to maintain a professional atmosphere , but afterwards to pursue her.

Joe passed away in late September of 2016 during that AEMT class.


He didnt stop teaching me things. I truly believe with all of my heart, that He placed my wife to be in my life with Gods help. Joe knew what I needed to have in my life. He gave me a mentor , a friend, a companion, lover, and teacher. He gave the best gift any man could ever give . He gave me my wife,

 Joe and God knew that I needed a good christian girl that was beautiful and loved EMS. The very place She fell in love with me and I fell in love with her was that same EMS classroom where we first met. If it wasnt for Joe I wouldnt be the EMS instructor that I am and would never have met my Wife. From the deepest part of me, I thank God for Joe Hickert coming into my life, I wouldnt be the Paramedic and even half the Man I am today without his guidance and help.

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